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Gastric distension is a physiologic satiety signal in the dog.

This study was designed to test the theory that the gastric distension which occurs during meals induces satiety in dogs and to determine whether the nutrient composition of the meal was important. Dogs with gastric, duodenal, and oesophageal fistulas were given a liquid nutrient diet until sated and the volume consumed and the time it took to consume it were measured. Distension was produced during sham feeding using infusions of either liquid nutrient, inert liquid (Karaya), or a water-filled balloon. Results showed that balloon, inert, and nutrient distension all inhibited sham feeding dose-dependently. Graded degrees of gastric distension, similar to those seen during ingestion of a normal meal, produced graded suppression of food intake by a noncholinergic mechanism and independent of the nutrient properties of the food.